2.0 LDK Build
My thoughts are 2 are needed as well. I'm trying/testing to find the the best method that gives the best separation/removal of the oil vapor. I used the metal scrubbing material and didn't get the results I wanted, have switch to a different filtering material to see if it works better. I also have yet another method on the drawing board to try.
Ok so heres what Im doing. I drilled and tapped for 1/8" NPT in the cover and head. I will use 90 degree fittings pointing towards the front of the engine to mount a catch can using a couple valve cover bolts. In order for this to work you just need to separate the valve cover and head. I am probably just going to use a very thin piece of sheet metal(because easy) and put some RTV on it and bolt the cover on to hold it in place. Or I can weld the head and/or cover shut. Doing this allows you to leave the valve in the stock location. What do you think?
Last edited by RJ_RS_SS_350; 03-12-2017 at 12:15 AM.
Nope just oil vapor in these ports. I actually just cut a small piece of pop can and used rtv and bolted the cover on. Unless I completely overlooked something elementary, I think this should work great.
Last edited by RJ_RS_SS_350; 03-12-2017 at 12:14 AM.
That port you've blocked off(I'm surprised I didn't look down in there when I had the valve cover off), as long as that's not open on the bottom to the crankcase, looks like a good plan!
Im really not concerned about it. Shouldn't have brought it up. Crazy morning.
When Randy saw my setup he said he would be concerned about oil pooling and plugging a line. I want the oil to pool. If you can get it to pool you have a lot better chance of catching it in the can. About plugging, I doubt that can happen, having vacuum and serious vacuum on a down shift in gear will no doubt clear anything out.
hhrfreek It would be cool to put that info on the how to install a catch can because there is more to learn about this and you have done something different. Keep going on and let us know what your finding. Thanks!!
When Randy saw my setup he said he would be concerned about oil pooling and plugging a line. I want the oil to pool. If you can get it to pool you have a lot better chance of catching it in the can. About plugging, I doubt that can happen, having vacuum and serious vacuum on a down shift in gear will no doubt clear anything out.
hhrfreek It would be cool to put that info on the how to install a catch can because there is more to learn about this and you have done something different. Keep going on and let us know what your finding. Thanks!!