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HHR's in snow...

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Old 07-03-2008, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Songman
I agree, Li'l Hearse. I drove my wife's Chrysler Sebring convertible way back up in the mountains a few years ago on street tires. I went about 15 miles past the 'Chains Required' signs to get to the ski lodge. The front wheel drive made it a breeze.
tow truck drivers and body shops love guys like you... do that in washington... big fines when traction signs are up... this year about four or five times WSP set up road checks. if you didn t have winter tires or chains and wanted to continue... you bought contract provided chains (very expenwsive) or turned around. here in washington we have stated provided contractors that will put your chains on for 25 bucks... don t have to get cold or wet...

think if you wrecked, you may have had trouble making an insurance claim. (if you were breaking the traction device required laws)

most of the time it isn t the snow that gets you... the ice under the snow.

anyway just put my GY Assurance TTs on order for this year.
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:33 PM
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Do they? Sounds more like the local law enforcement would be the ones loving me. Gotta love the cash cow tickets. Better grab a few more dollars from me in case I am not wearing a seat belt or am talking on my cell phone.

In this particular case, I had chains. I bought them specifically for this trip knowing that the Sebring would be better than my light 2-wheel drive pickup. Once I got up there, to my dismay, I learned that you can't put chains on a Sebring. There is only 1/8" space between the back of the wheel and the strut. So do I drive the remaining 15 miles to the slopes or do I go back and lose my money for the weekend. I made a judgement call and went on. I would love to see those state contract people put the chains on a car that won't accept chains.

Don't think I am some pansy @$$ Southern Californian who doesn't know how to drive in snow. I've only been here a few years. I've driven in snow my entire life and never had an accident. I've driven cars with street tires around many stuck 4WDs with chains because they were acting like idiots thinking they were bulletproof in their Jeeps and trucks. And like I said earlier, I drove the HHR through a freaking blizzard for over 100 miles when no one else was running but trucks. Sometimes experience and common sense is a lot better equipment than chains and 4WD.
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:39 PM
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i have the winter driving skill and prolly dont need the winter tires but i will put them on... anyway... i figure the extra $$ will just make my street tires last 2x as long cuz they are running half as much anyway. plus it will save my rims from running in the damned salt
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Old 07-03-2008, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Songman
Do they? Sounds more like the local law enforcement would be the ones loving me. Gotta love the cash cow tickets. Better grab a few more dollars from me in case I am not wearing a seat belt or am talking on my cell phone.

In this particular case, I had chains. I bought them specifically for this trip knowing that the Sebring would be better than my light 2-wheel drive pickup. Once I got up there, to my dismay, I learned that you can't put chains on a Sebring. There is only 1/8" space between the back of the wheel and the strut. So do I drive the remaining 15 miles to the slopes or do I go back and lose my money for the weekend. I made a judgement call and went on. I would love to see those state contract people put the chains on a car that won't accept chains.

Don't think I am some pansy @$$ Southern Californian who doesn't know how to drive in snow. I've only been here a few years. I've driven in snow my entire life and never had an accident. I've driven cars with street tires around many stuck 4WDs with chains because they were acting like idiots thinking they were bulletproof in their Jeeps and trucks. And like I said earlier, I drove the HHR through a freaking blizzard for over 100 miles when no one else was running but trucks. Sometimes experience and common sense is a lot better equipment than chains and 4WD.
almost almost the car in the ditch ar 4x4s 4 wheel drive get you going... but does nothing to help you stop... just laugh at the idiots in the ditches no simpathy unless someone else put them there...

nest year i ll count the number of CA plates are in the ditch... NAS whidbyey is just down the road... lots of SoCal people up here... most of them just stay home when it starts snowing here...

you pay the contrators... if you don t want to or can t put chains on you turn around... we have three main passes to get back and fourth east to west... the alternative is to go along the columbia river.. a five hundred detour. it s all up to the driver.

i hate people on cell phones... we finally passed the hands free bill

seat belt save lives

unless you drive in snow three or four months a year... your not a skilled winter driver... to many variables

OBTW... born in west hollywood
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Old 07-03-2008, 01:06 PM
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Not sure of the point but okay. We are all entitled to opinions. I'm glad you hate people on cell phones, but should it really be illegal because you hate it? Seat belts save lives.. in certain circumstances and take them in others. Is it really the job of the government to take away our liberties and protect us from ourselves? If you think so, I can suggest some good reading. It is called the US Constitution.

Thanks for clearing up the definition of 'skilled snow driver'. At 43 years old, I consider that my lack of an accident even though I have driven in snow in just about every state that has snow makes me pretty skilled. But I am sure you just consider me the luckiest SOB in the country. Like I said, we are all entitled to opinions. Mine is obviously different than yours but we both still have the right to them.
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Old 07-03-2008, 04:03 PM
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Here in NEW YORK,we have snow,sometimes for 6 months!We average over 100 inches a seson. We also have snow plows,however we don't have mountain roads,in my part of the state.When the visiblity is bad from blowing snow,common sense tells us "no uneccessary travel".
I have never been in a ditch.
I used to drive a tow truck.I didn't "love" anyone,I didn't want to be out there in the cold and snow,rolling around in it,to get some idiot out of a ditch.Most winter accidents were caused by speed. And yes,by trying to stop.Didn't matter if they had snow tires or not. Common sense is the key to winter driving.
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Old 07-05-2008, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Li'l Hearse
Here in NEW YORK,we have snow,sometimes for 6 months!We average over 100 inches a seson. We also have snow plows,however we don't have mountain roads,in my part of the state.When the visiblity is bad from blowing snow,common sense tells us "no uneccessary travel".
I have never been in a ditch.
I used to drive a tow truck.I didn't "love" anyone,I didn't want to be out there in the cold and snow,rolling around in it,to get some idiot out of a ditch.Most winter accidents were caused by speed. And yes,by trying to stop.Didn't matter if they had snow tires or not. Common sense is the key to winter driving.
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Old 07-05-2008, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Songman
Not sure of the point but okay. We are all entitled to opinions. I'm glad you hate people on cell phones, but should it really be illegal because you hate it? Seat belts save lives.. in certain circumstances and take them in others. Is it really the job of the government to take away our liberties and protect us from ourselves? If you think so, I can suggest some good reading. It is called the US Constitution.

Thanks for clearing up the definition of 'skilled snow driver'. At 43 years old, I consider that my lack of an accident even though I have driven in snow in just about every state that has snow makes me pretty skilled. But I am sure you just consider me the luckiest SOB in the country. Like I said, we are all entitled to opinions. Mine is obviously different than yours but we both still have the right to them.
don t misunderstand... being 61... and you in your 40s... your life experiances may be different thaan yours... there is an old saying "everyone is born republicqan... every one dies a democrate"

I consider myself the luckiest SOB in the world... bumped off my first training flight in the navy... plane crashed (lamoore ca 1968)... all Souls On Board killed... rear ended by a semi on I405 1998... not everyone survived.

i don t consider myself a skilled winter driver even though i have lived here for nearlly 40 years... but
i am causious... winter tires... chains when nessicary... winter survival equipment in the trunk... stay clear of the idiots that think that they are bullet proof and have no consideration for the safety of others on the road... mostly (have had to dodge a few of them over the years)
i have never been in a ditch... yet.
the only ones i really feel are skilled... are
the troopers that work in it and have to clean up after the idiots when they do their thing
the people like the plow drivers and road workers that try to make it safe for the rest of us while the idiots are doing their best to wreck them or run them down
the professional drivers that are on the road dodging the idiots.

hand held cell phones...
it is most annoying when the other driver that almost wrecks you is talking on a phone... and just smiles at you... i got hit walking in a crosswalk about 5 years ago by a person talking on his phone... pissed him off when put a dent in his hood with my fist (PDO just laughed at him). four HS girls killed last yr when the car they were in hit a tree at about 50mph... driver was texting friends... HANDS free is cheap and easy. instead of a secondary ticket at a $152... it should be a primary pull over with a $500 fine with CS just like first offense dwi... no dought how i feel here...

seat belts...
you maybe right... it is one way to do genic cleansing... they do save lives been proven over and over... how many times does it have to be proven? you can argue all you want but they do save lives... oh by the way so did reducing the speed limits in the 70s.

stop light cameras
love them... maybe if the removed the delay between "RED and GREEN" we could genically cleans the brain pattern that says it s ok to slide through yellow and red lights... all you have to do is pay attention to your driving.

school zone camaras...
love them... anyone speeding through school zone... stopped... car impounded... taken directly to court before a judge... $100 for each mph over the school speed limit... cash only... IMHO

helmets... motor cycle and bicycle
maybe my oldest brother (1946 -1967) would still be here if there was a law in the 60's requiring them... his wife and daughter think so.


actually did read it... back in the mid 90s... skagit valley college... US revoluntionary history... aced the course...
i am assuming that because you brought that up... you must have read it and at some time took an oath to the govt and the people of the USA to protect it from foriegn and domestic threats and spent half of your life in that endevor. actually part of the responsibilty to protect us from ourselves is mostly turned over to state and local governments... so your peers have elected individuals that have passed most of these laws. the fed steps in when the state can t or won t protect us... the supreme court makes sure the the fed and state laws are not unconstitutional... there for seat belt and handheld cell laws are in order with the constituntion until over turned by the state and US supreme courts.

next time a person ALMOST wrecks you because they are on their cell... just smile back

but these are my opions... mine... not yours... so far i don t value yours as much as other or even my own.
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Old 07-05-2008, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by REDFLYR

but these are my opions... mine... not yours... so far i don t value yours as much as other or even my own.
Now the problem becomes clear. But I can tell that you don't value other opinions in every word you type.

And yes, I did take an oath to protect the citizens of this country - from enemies, foreign and domestic. Not from themselves. That is not the responsibility of the states or the nation. That is the responsibility of each individual and his or her family.

You were wrong on one more count - I was born a Democrat and when I got old enough to know better, I became a Republican. And I will die a Republican. I assume since you think it is the gov't job to take care of us like we are children that you are a Democrat.

Unlike you, I do respect your opinion. And your service to your country. Maybe at 61, you still have time to learn to respect others. But it sure don't sound like it.
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Old 07-05-2008, 08:50 PM
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i believe that those that are to young or to feeble to defend or take care of them selve deserve the help... the same for hurricane, flood, fire, earthquakes victoms do... we don t stand alone here like some other places

by the way seeing that this thread is about winter tires...
just bought my GY assurance Triple Treaqd... $620 installed... going to put TPMS on the hhr.... most likely the orange electronics... about $170 from TireRac have it installed the same time i have tires mounted
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