WE done did it...
with a spray *and I'm reading from the can*
VHT is the brand and it's called sun resistant Window Tint
color: Smoke SP-171
hub said it was kinda tricky to spray, we took a 2000 grit wetdry paper to them 1st then sprayed them... good luck if you can find it, very hard to find in small towns...lol
we've done this for awhile and know exactly how to prep the area for paint and also what time of day to do this...
crazy thing, we've done about 20 cars and they've all gone on to win trophy after trophy... hub and I wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if we had a proper booth to shoot a car in...lmao
I would love to go but I can't open the adobe file someone posted here and I can't find the invite that bud/harvey gave to us... I've told hub since I've seen your car I'd love to see her in person... it'd be nice to get together and admire the beauty in each of our HHR's...