Coronavirus protection 101
17 and stupid... got talked into helping my "Buddy" go TP his Ex-GF house.
I take the Ft and he takes the back... we're tossing rolls back and forth when a guy in white boxers comes out of the shadow.
Shows me his Badge, and asks for ID... ever been questioned by a Sleepy Cop in boxers? Not a pleasant experience to realize you've just TP'ed a Sheriff's house.
Hands ID back to me and says... See ya in the morning Doug, don't be late, I'll have the ladder ready for you.
Buddy slipped out the side yard.
Looking back, funny... just like the whole TP ordeal is now, this TP hording will some how get in the history books.
That guy just taught his cat to do this... He didn't mean to, but he did.