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Free Health Care for the Rest of Your Life!!!

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Old 11-21-2007, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by chingchonger
So you won't read the bill. You just don't care at all. You're making judgement on something that you haven't even read. Must be blissful.
if you had read my earlier response you would realize that i had already read the bill. it was right around the time i said it wasnt free and that i didnt want a "modest increase" in my personal income tax. Do i care about healthcare? sort of, but like most people only that which affects me. taking even more money from my pockets to spend on yet another social program doesnt set well with me. do i think there is something wrong with the percieved "healthcare crisis in america" yeah, for the reasons i have listed in other posts in this thread. you really want to make healthcare free? stop sending us dollars overseas to help out the poor legless goatless boy in bakalakakakakalooshun and put those billions to work here. Blissful?, seems that you are the one making judgements on things you havent read.
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:28 AM
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Originally Posted by chingchonger
The New Colossus
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset hates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lighting, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus, 1883
yeah and these days it should read "closed for internal repairs, no vacancies."
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Old 11-21-2007, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by chingchonger
Can we agree that there are large concerning issues with the current health care in the U.S.? So what is the being done to improve it?
The biggest strain on the health care system is the number of illegal aliens overwhelming it. Not saying it is the only problem but it is probably one of the largest issues

And in all honesty the health care system works just fine in my situation..I've never had an issue getting care or paying for it when I need to

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Old 11-21-2007, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Snoopy
For example, I believe the lack of work ethic, the abuse of the social systems, etc. etc. is because many people have embraced the socialistic ideas...provide this, provide that. Why should I do this or that because the Gov will either provide it or do it for me.
That's plain American laziness and people milking our Capitalist system for all they can. A Socialist prides themselves in their work and works hard because hard work is the key to a strong economy, government, and country. You work hard for not only yourself but for the greater good of our society. That's part of why I feel so jaded with our current system. I work hard as a Socialist but I feel I'm doing no greater good for our society. Personal advancement isn't good enough for me because we should all be advancing as a society rather than declining. Also if you choose to not work in a Socialist society you will starve.
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Old 11-21-2007, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Goose
The biggest strain on the health care system is the number of illegal aliens overwhelming it. Not saying it is the only problem but it is probably one of the largest issues

And in all honesty the health care system works just fine in my situation..I've never had an issue getting care or paying for it when I need to

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Old 11-21-2007, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Goose
The biggest strain on the health care system is the number of illegal aliens overwhelming it. Not saying it is the only problem but it is probably one of the largest issues
Hey Goose......We kind of agree on something.

I wouldn't say illegal aliens are the biggest strain on the health care system but they are definitely a problem here in the US when it comes to health care. But they don't really affect what you pay for health care insurance because the hospitals are forced to absorb most of the cost and the portion you do pay comes out of your tax dollar (which works out to be roughly $11 per household annually). That's part of why many hospitals are forced into bankruptcy and end up closing now days. You could however argue that they are causing hospitals to raise the price of what we pay for their services so in turn they do somewhat raise the price of health care insurance to which I would have to agree.

Last edited by captain howdy; 11-21-2007 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:17 AM
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Before anyone starts any Mexican illegal crap seeing as how that seems to be a hot button issue I need to add my definition of an illegal alien is anyone who is in the US illegally. I personally don't care if the person is Mexican, Chinese, Canadian, Swedish, African, Icelandic, British, my own heritage of Italian, or any other given nationality. If they are in this country illegally that’s all that matters to me.
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Old 11-21-2007, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by captain howdy
Before anyone starts any Mexican illegal crap seeing as how that seems to be a hot button issue I need to add my definition of an illegal alien is anyone who is in the US illegally. I personally don't care if the person is Mexican, Chinese, Canadian, Swedish, African, Icelandic, British, my own heritage of Italian, or any other given nationality. If they are in this country illegally that’s all that matters to me.
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Old 11-21-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by fantomfreke
if you had read my earlier response you would realize that i had already read the bill. it was right around the time i said it wasnt free and that i didnt want a "modest increase" in my personal income tax. Do i care about healthcare? sort of, but like most people only that which affects me. taking even more money from my pockets to spend on yet another social program doesnt set well with me. do i think there is something wrong with the percieved "healthcare crisis in america" yeah, for the reasons i have listed in other posts in this thread. you really want to make healthcare free? stop sending us dollars overseas to help out the poor legless goatless boy in bakalakakakakalooshun and put those billions to work here. Blissful?, seems that you are the one making judgements on things you havent read.
That was in response to you saying "Even a blind man can usually tell when he's being used/lied to."

You may have commented on the bill, but it did not say you have read it. You also said "If he has attached his name to it, its something i want nothing to do with." That made me to believe that you did not even bother reading the bill.

If you have read it, then there's no argument there.

The "Free heath care" title was a hook for the thread to get people to read it. That's was said on one of my earlier post.

When you say, "Do i care about health care? sort of, but like most people only that which affects me" are you saying that you and most people only care about yourselves?
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Old 11-22-2007, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by chingchonger
You may have commented on the bill, but it did not say you have read it. You also said "If he has attached his name to it, its something i want nothing to do with." That made me to believe that you did not even bother reading the bill.

If you have read it, then there's no argument there.

The "Free heath care" title was a hook for the thread to get people to read it. That's was said on one of my earlier post.

When you say, "Do i care about health care? sort of, but like most people only that which affects me" are you saying that you and most people only care about yourselves?
Oh i read the proposal even tho it had mm's stamp of approval. Im not usually in the habit of making a blind judgement on something, and if i read something the wrong way or take it the wrong way and am corrected i will admit fault.

One fault that i have to admit to is not watching any of mm's films. I watched aproximately thirty minutes of columbine and had to turn it off. Now that i know what he produces i do lay a blind blanket judgement on all of his work. I concede to having that fault.

I like to have an "informed opinion" whenever possible. When i was talking about the free health care i was also referring to mm's new movie sicko. Some co-workers were discussing it at work and said that that the phrase "free universal health care" was repeated perpetually throughout the movie. Its not free, nothing is. It will be supported by a payroll tax. More of my money in Uncle Sammys pocket.

Yes Im saying that I and most people place themselves before others. If it comes down to putting food on my table, a roof over my girls head or letting someone with whom i have no affiliation or knowledge of, ride my paycheck to a free hospital visit or their own free housing, i choose me everytime.

I do donate to charities, i volunteer for certain events, toys for tots motorcycle events etc. But when it comes down to it there are just too many people in this country that expect the government to take care of them from cradle to grave at no cost to them.

**this is the part that i will get flamed for**

I see no reason why it is expected of me to support generations of people on welfare that do not try to better themselves. I do not want to pay for countless thousands of social programs that do nothing but be an enabler for those who dont want to take it upon themselves to do soething with their lives.
You want me to help fund a daycare program so you can work? I'm fine with that. You want me to fund the system so you draw a check and stay at home with your 5 kids and not do a thing? I am NOT fine with that. "The kids need their mother/father" yes they do, but they also need a positive role model and which one do you think makes a more positive impact? the one where the parent is able to stay at home and do nothing or the one where the parent works hard to ensure a future for their children? The problem is figuring out which ones are abusing the system and which ones are utilizing it.

And before someone tells me that its hard to [whatever] or live [wherever] or that im picking on [racial group], Bull. It takes a certain mentality to want to rise above ANY hardship. It also takes a certain mentality to purchase 3k rims for a $500 car and live in a government run apartment complex.

What my rant basically amounts to is this: If I am capable, and have me and mine taken care of and provided for first, I am not opposed to attempting to help someone who needs "a hand up". But its my money and I do not want it taken away before I even get it for yet another government sponsored "handout".

Now so no one can say "but you'll be able to use it too, its not like your not getting anything in return" i have this to say. I am already paying for health insurance, so me and mine are taken care of first. Why would i want to part with more of my hard earned, hard to come by money to cover someone else?

**Side note** This has been a very entertaining, and at times lively discussion. Good Times
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