The Lounge Off Topic PG-13.
Warning: The Lounge may contain irrelevant and off topic discussions that may not be related to anything HHR. If you are not interested in these kinds of discussions, do not read or respond to these threads.
View Poll Results: Best Burger?
07Chevy, 08 HHR n Az, 08BlkSS, 1BadHHRSS, 77Z28, afs9, Airborne_Beachbum, AJochum, Animagus, Applenut, Armadillo, betterof2evils4, Biff, big j, BIG JIM WOODMAN, Big Kahuna, bigallis1, Bjam, bonkers, booksmitty, boxwiz, captain howdy, CDS31MC, CessnaDriver, ChevyGrlAlways, ChevyMgr, chingchonger, Chris'sHHR, COOLCHEVY, cpendlay, CrashMan82, crazybob, cvrogershhr, dav8388, Dave1948, Daverb, dbfruth, deerman, Desert Coyote, dilligaff_07, diskullman, DJNateGnau, Doc brown, Doctor1, Docwylie, doeppel, donbb82, dr.xm, Dremin2flyhi, Durock, ecl, en0oNmAI, enri9267, erf2u, ewg53, fantomfreke, fastsuv, FileNotFound, Firewatcher, frostylaw, furious, gcsd3742, GDZHHR, Goose, greyghost, GRUMPEE, Halfj99, halfpanel08, Hamer1, Harpozep, hfish99, HHorange, HHR Forever, HHR Man, HHR4JK, HillsdaleHHR, HipHotRod, HonestBlues, HOTAZHHR, hunter, Inframan, InkTheFlesh, Jabberwalk, JackinHHr, jaime_g, James06, Jay Budget, jayhawker, JayKWills, Jeff®, JimDaddyo, JimZ_HHR, JoeR, johnc, Johnny Nomad, JonyyB, jshandra, jx3, killjoy, KNEZRYD, ksfis43, Kwhopper89, laborkei, larryv, Leon, Linepainter, longhorn, lzrdking, M DC, malechi, mcdiver, MCPOCG, Mikey, mitzkity, mizzouHHR, Mr.Gar, mrblue, mrchevy, mrjuma, MrVette, mudd274, MWG2, n.j.hhr, N2PVP, Navyflyer11, NickHHRSS, Nor-Cal HHR Club, norcalmike, Norsican, Old_Chevy_SS_Man, oneton, outlandishhhr, Peoples1234, PhoS, PinkChick, Pizzaman, playgames1970, Pumpkin, RaceOn, RatRodS, Ratzilla, rdd, Reb317, REDFLYR, redhot, richbuck, RichieInFL, rob-cyn, SandyBeach, sargechris, scaleguy, Scarecrow, Schmodie, SchoolBusHHR, Showgun, sick1, Silentgarth, SILVER SS, SindyDix, Skatetheglobe, SoCalHHR, solman98, sp52075, stovebolt34, stuns, sunburstchris, tamar0804, TeverHHR, The Curly 1, tireman1554, TomsHHR, tsaints1115, VictorySpark08, Vrodder, Wackaloon, wereone, wingfeather, wxman, x-ray1950, xzombiex66, ymerej_mortsdnil, yukonfff98, Z-Man
Voters: 250.

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