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Old 02-22-2007, 09:10 PM
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Yes, bring the boys (and girls) home.
There are freedoms here to fight for. ( speech being one of them).
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Old 02-22-2007, 09:59 PM
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I think our troops should come home as soon as possible also, but we have to keep in mind what thier mission is. Like it or not, the war in Iraq is a large part of the war on terror, and this fight is one we can not lose. How long do we have before these type of attacks happen on U.S. soil? How hard would it be for a terrorist to walk into any mall in America and detonate a bomb? Leaving Iraq before the job is done would be a disaster. It would tell the enemy, who is already here in this country, that we are a nation of cowards. What we all need to understand is this enemy has be indoctrinated to hate us. All of us. We are the infidels. If we don't wake up to the threat we face, it is going to be very ugly here very soon. Our boys and girls are doing a hell of a job over there, and keeping us safe here. Yes I will admit things are not going as well as they could in Iraq, but we have to get this job done and not bail out on the people of Iraq (again), or the good people of Iraq will have hell to pay, as will Israel, Europe, and eventually the U.S. Gobspeed to our troops. Be safe and victorious.
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Old 02-22-2007, 10:50 PM
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I have donned my desert cammies for several parades and I walk with my head held high as a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I loaded many f-16's in the first gulf war with bombs, missiles, and with thousands of rounds. I have talked to the father of the only person still missing from our armed forces that are in the Iraqi theater. Ask him how he feels about the war. I have a few friend still in the theater and I hope that we can help the Iraqi people and get out with not only our heads held high but with a better country left behind. BB why didn't you volunteer to go help out? They might take a Granddad as well as those grandma's. lol
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Last edited by Pizzaman; 02-22-2007 at 10:56 PM. Reason: cat'n pslel
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Old 02-22-2007, 10:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Black Beauty
When they see how eager you are to fight, they`ll give you a waiver.
Go for it.

"Go for it" B/B!
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Old 02-22-2007, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by SindyDix
"Go for it" B/B!

Hey, I thought you were going to sleep!!
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Old 02-22-2007, 11:12 PM
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I am, right now... just a couple more downloads of them dang MP3's. Watch, no more posts form tonight.... I'm outta here, really....
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Old 02-23-2007, 05:46 AM
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Looks like you want to use my "GO FOR IT" like "LET`S ROLL".
In my opinion, the U.S. had/has absolutely no reason to be in Iraq.
Sending troops in and creating a guilt trip campaign, "We must support our troops" , doesn`t change that.
This war is creating as many terrorist as it eliminates, if not more, they now have a target to focus on.
As I said, put on those old uniforms, march up to you recruiters office, and DEMAND your right to go over there and get freedom and democracy for ALL middle eastern countries.
I`m really surprised this thread hasn`t been closed, because of the harsh and offensive manner we American citizens are conducting this conversation.
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Old 02-23-2007, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Black Beauty
I`m really surprised this thread hasn`t been closed, because of the harsh and offensive manner we American citizens are conducting this conversation.

Can one of the mods do BB a favor and lock his "misinformed" thread!?

If anyone remembers, the original thread topic......

Originally Posted by Black Beauty
It`s truly unbelievable, the troops are being pulled out of Iraq.
Mission accomplished.
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Old 02-23-2007, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Black Beauty
This war is creating as many terrorist as it eliminates, if not more, they now have a target to focus on.

I've been staying out of this silly mess but BB has a very good point there. The war on terror actually is creating more terrorist than we're stopping. The war is pointless, counter productive, and making us more enemies around the world. Terrorism has always been there and always will be there. There are way too many personal interest and ulterior motives behind this war to support our government’s actions and decisions. I must admit that our current government does a good job making Americans think the war is over a just cause like freeing the Iraqis or ending terrorism. We need to take care of our own problems at home rather than being the world police and making the people driving the war richer at the cost of American and Iraqi lives. One of the things I find most ironic about this whole debacle is the overuse of the term insurgents. There wouldn’t be Iraqi insurgents if we weren’t there so in essence we are creating our own enemies. Hell I know if someone invaded my country I would take up arms and try to make them leave by whatever means necessary.
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Old 02-23-2007, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by captain howdy
The war on terror actually is creating more terrorist than we're stopping. The war pointless, counter productive, and making us more enemies around the world.
There is evidence to support Al-Queda was in Iraq, and in fact was part of Saddams Baath party. I will agree they are now there in higher numbers becouse we are there, but they were not created by this war. The notion we are creating more terrorists is just false IMO. My fear is if we pull our troops out, what we will do is create a victory for our enemy, which will embolden them to take more actions against our allies, and eventually the U.S. Iraq would turn into a blood bath of genocide. Israel and Europe would be in grave danger, and so would we. This is a fight we must win. I wish we didn't have to fight this war, but the fact is we are there, and we must win. You can't wish away evil, and if you turn your back on it, it will bite, and bite hard. What bothers me about this conflict is our press is not giving us the whole story. If you listen to the troops on the ground in Iraq, they tell a much different story than the one our media tells. There are many positive things happening, and the good people of Iraq are gratefull we are there, and want us to leave AFTER the job is done. I realize I'm not going to change anyones mind, and we are all intitled to our own opinions, and my opinion is pulling out of Iraq before the job is finnished would be a disaster.
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