Help with alignment question, tire wear
grandson hit a curb taking out both lower control arms and front wheels a few months back. I replaced them as well as the front bumper cover. The car only has to last a few months then he goes into the Marines. The new wheel comes in today, I will make a decision about what we will do next week. If I can get another axil cheap, I will replace it. Not sure what that bent wheel did on the alignment readings., what are the chances it now will come closer to spec?
Last edited by mamerc; 06-21-2019 at 07:47 PM.
Bent parts need to be replaced. The cradle shift is not that tough to do - on a lift... You just loosen the cradle, shift it to the correct side and re-secure. You are looking for about a 1/2" shift or so. You can't do it with weight on the front wheels though. Camber bolts might also work if you can find them in the right size, but they are band-aid.
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