Outside Thermometer
Now I know I have company with this problem, which has existed since I got the vehicle three months ago. Same symptom - the outside temp display has a mind of it's own, has remained stuck on one temperature, then works for a while, only to "stick" again. My dealer says he hasn't had other complaints. The problem is, the dealer can't replace anything until it happens while they have the car...which means I could have my vehicle sitting in the repair lot for days and still not find what's wrong. I'm going to give the Chevy Customer Assistance "hot line" (1-800-222-1020) a shot and see what comes of it.
its a pain in the butt but if you take the passenger front tire off, take off enough screws and bolts to loosen the tire well cover and get up under where u can get to the thermometer probe. just unplug it and clean it and plug it back in and it works fine from then on
that is what i did before the trip and i have had no more problems since. took about an hour to get it done.
that is what i did before the trip and i have had no more problems since. took about an hour to get it done.
my thermometer
my thermometer on the DIC seems to have been working fine... only had a couple issues while on trip to Palm Springs this weekend where high was 120 both Saturday and Sunday. One day it was stuck at 104 most the afternoon when it was at least 115 and then it just skyrocketed upward to 126!!!... we started cracking up and my wife took a pic of it...will post later if anybody cares... Did a lot of starting with remote start to get A/C cranked faster... just wondering if that might have something to do with inconsistincies.
Mine got "stuck" today. It's been reading 77 while the temp was 100 most of the day. My Silverado read 103.
I'm gonna check out the wheel pulling and check the sensor connection myself...last resort take it to the local dealer.
I'm gonna check out the wheel pulling and check the sensor connection myself...last resort take it to the local dealer.