Squeeky steering wheel
I was having a problem with my turnsignals canceling after making a turn. And at the same time I was hearing more of a light grinding when I turned the steering wheel. It turned out to be the airbag coil, it has a ribbon that runs through a series of "wheels" I'll call them, that are used to lenghthen or shorten the ribbon as the wheel turns left to right. They replaced my defective one, and all seems to be ok for now. I'm not saying that this is everybody's problem, just what has solved mine (for now).......Regards
I have the squeeking steering wheel. I took it to service and of course it was not making the noise. They lubed the intermediate shaft - that worked for about oooohhh five minutes. I took it back the next day since I picked it at closing time and it made the noise the entire way there - until I showed the technician the noise or at that time no noise. They ordered a complete intermediate shaft. I'll let you know if that fixes the problem.