SocalHHRs Spring Fling
Had a great time today seeing everyone - our OG's and new folks too. Nice turnout and the food was really awesome. Socal'er's - This is a great place to host our annual. The 'Farm' was nice but now it's outgrown. Asphault VS grass, trees, a zoo, easy on the wallet and a loosely organized pot luck is a way for everyone to eat semi-together. A few questions to pose - all the prizes, donations, etc etc are all fine and well but also a tremendous amount of time and effort. Is it the prizes that draw you to Tom's Farm? Is the location? Is it coming to hang out, eat and talk HHR?
I say we do Irvine and a really big 50/50 to split with the same charity we've done - Make the calls, find out about reserving one of the group areas, etc. Just my 7 cents.
I say we do Irvine and a really big 50/50 to split with the same charity we've done - Make the calls, find out about reserving one of the group areas, etc. Just my 7 cents.
We like the prizes actually. It what got us to come the first year. How about every participating party bring a prize to contribute. would that help out with the situation?
Don, thanks for posting what I have been leary about posting, I feel the same. I thought today was awesome. I love Tom's Farm...but many seem to want a change including me! Todd (Uma)
More of my 7 cents here...
First, I had little hands on other than providing the sound system for the past Toms's as far as the prizes go. I know that sponsored prizes, handmade stuff, donations, etc etc - Hell, Mike even built PC's to give away - all made it possible. It took alot of organizing, packaging, etc etc to pull it off and it was done by very few hands. Im insinuating that those that did it probably want a break -
Sure the prizes are fun and Ive certainly won my share (jeez that one year I cleaned up on stuff) what if the torch was passed? - I'll throw it out, would you guys be willing to take on that part of it? Coordinate that part of the event? We would need to look into a 'show' permit if we handed out prizes but that's got to be do-able.
Maybe Spring Fling is Park and Potluck
Maybe Tom's Farm@Irvine is Park, Prizes and Potluck
7 more cents...........
Yeah folks give me a few weeks to let this last event sink in...Then I will work on the next one. I will call Tom's Farm and see what the deal is. I will call Irvine Park and see what needs to be done to put on a full on show....after all...a permit may be much cheaper than Tom's Farm. Yes, GM paid for lunch and the goodie bags....but a few of us put out several hundred dollars for the raffle etc, etc. I would rather take that money and buy BBQ supplies. Just saying! Todd (Uma)